Frequently asked questions.

First visit information

We book a one-on-one 1 hour period for your first visit. It will include writing a report to your referring physician.

Is Hand Therapy covered by insurance?

Our clinic is part of the WorksafeBC provider network: "Hand Program". ICBC and other third party payers often cover treatments or reimburse custom splints that we make, however, we do not provide direct billing to private insurance.

Do I need a referral?

No, but if you have private insurance, your insurance provider may require that you have a doctor's referral in order to be reimbursed. Please verify with your insurance provider.

What are your Payment Terms?

Payments are due at the time of appointment. We accept cash, debit or credit (No American Express).

What do I need to bring to my first appointment?

Please bring any doctor’s referral, diagnostic imaging reports, medical testing or surgical reports you may have that is related to the condition for which you are consulting us.

What about wheelchair access?

We have free parking at both of our clinic sites. The Alpine Clinic is ground level and the Surrey Clinic has an elevator.

What are our phone hours?

Phones are open, same as regular hours at both locations. However at Alpine Hand Clinic, outside of business hours, phone calls are forwarded to Coastal Hand Clinic. The reception team at Coastal is happy to assist with bookings and questions regarding services at Alpine Hand Clinic.